On working internationally: I always like working abroad. The Bourne Identity was great because we were in France, Russia, Germany. I like being abroad.
Favorite films he's worked on: Lonestar (by John Sayles), Adaptation, American Beauty
What comes after Baryo: On the 21st Chris is leaving for New York where he has to do some publicity event, then the day after he flies to L.A. for the premier of Remember Me. "I really enjoyed working with Robert Pattinson. Robert's a great young guy and the script was practically tailor made for him."
On fame: This is a terribly difficult world for young people, it's rediculous. Robert literally has young girls flying in from Japan because they heard he'd be shooting in public locations around NYU.
On getting into the business: I started getting serious in my 2nd year at University. At 23 I started out in theatre. Everyone has a different little route to get into the business. I made some money in soap operas and regional theatre around the country. I did my first short film with Bobby and Kenny's (Garrison soldiers) Mom at NYU, but I didn't get a feature film until I was 35."
Line Producer
Duties: "NO idea. It's kind of like the general manager. A producer provides resources and a line producer manages those resources. I also do scheduling, budgeting, and manage all of the crucial partnerships, and make all the deals. One of the target results is to finish cost-wise, time-wise, and quality-wise."
How she got the job: Recommended to Joel Torre, the Producer, by another producer.
Her first job in film: studied film at the University of the Philippines, took all the workshops she could get, always actively involved in projects as a director or producer. "My first actual job was as a segment producer for a children's show. It was like Filipino Sesame Street."
What Margie is doing after Baryo: continue with the projects she started before. She is also the owner of Arkeo films. "I'm actually in the middle of financing an art house film with Germany and France. We're still very independent. That's going to occupy me for the next three years. It will be a real test for the company to see if we can make quality cinema in the Philippines.
What does Baryo mean to her career: "This kind of project is once in a lifetime. We don't usually get international projects of this stature."
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